Friday, September 29, 2006


This is my life.....Never a dull moment. Yesterday I had to go to my Vet to pick up meds for my little NIGEL, which by the way is still hanging in there. He is a tough little guy. I thought two weeks ago he was checking out, and low and behold, he comes back. He has an amazing will to live. Anyhoo, back to the story..I leave the office and head down the road, 2 miles later what do I see, a dog in the middle of the road, coming very close to getting run over. I quickly pull off the road and call him over. He comes right up to me, I open the back door, and he loads up. I couldn't believe it. He sat in my back seat like such a gentleman, you would have thought he had been there before. I took him back to my Vets office, and they gladly took him in. Just another day in the life of ANIMAL RESCUE GIRL....And by the way, I'm grateful to have the privilege to assist in saving an animals life.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sarasota Humane society was on tap this weekend. What an amazing show. It was "Seniors for Seniors", a new event which places Senior pets 7 years of age or older, with Senior Citizens. There is no charge to the Senior, a fund has been established that pays for the adoption. Can I just say..Older dogs and cats RULE! No potty training, or trying to pluck your shoe out of their mouth, unless of course you give them the shoe. HA They are mostly mellow,and just want to be your BEST FRIEND. I am happy to report that they had several adoptions. YEA BABY! Barbara Goodfriend was on hand to do some animal communicating, she is unbelievable! Let me just tell you non- believers, don't knock it til you try it. She did a reading with my beloved, Nigel, and I was blown away. There are simply some things that you cannot fake. So on to the best part of my show, besides the animals of course...The staff/volunteers of the Sarasota Humane Society, what a truly GROOVY group of people, I especially want to give a shout out to KERRI KOPPIN... You are awesome! This is a well oiled machine, and these guys take this shelter very seriously! If I could describe them in one word it would be TEAMWORK! I was very impressed. Keep up the good work guys......

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I have to say, I was absolutely put on this earth to rescue animals. If there is an animal in need, they will find me. Let's take the most recent encounter..This week to be exact. I was on my way to work listening to Nina Simmone getting ready to start my work week, and low and behold, the most amazing little pitbull sauntered out in front of my car. I, of course pulled over and the little guy came right up to me. He looked like Petey, of Our Gang. What a complete DOLL BABY..Not only was he a sweetie pie, but had the most stunning underbite, which for those of you that know me, know that is a prerequisite in my household. Ha ha. I took him to my office waiting for Animal Services to open, and within 20 minutes he had a home. There were three people actually fighting over who would take him. Just to let everyone know, I have been looking in the newspaper to make sure his owner was not looking for him. 5 days later, no sign. I must say that I had a feeling that no one would claim him. What a throw away society we live in. I don't understand how someone could dump/abandon, whatever the case may be, such an incredible creature. I am thrilled that his amazing personality was not effected by the carelessness of his previous owner. I just heard today that BO'S new family adores him and what a wonderful addition he has made to their family. Hey, I am always happy to help...

Monday, September 11, 2006


I truly apologize for my lack of posts. You see, this has been a very tough couple of weeks for me personally. I know most of you out there have been through this exact heartbreaking scenario. It goes something like this...Your beloved pet finally becomes a Senior Citizen, for some that day comes a bit earlier, say 9 to 13 years. For the lucky ones you get 14 to 18 years... I, feeling incredibly fortunate, have had 15 amazing years with my darling NIGEL. Then, one day you go to your veterinarian for a routine check-up, and find out the bad news. In my case it was an enlarged heart. You are then given the bleak prognosis, along with a cocktail of drugs. My rollercoaster ride began October of 2005, and now almost 1 year later, we are near the end of the road. My heart is broken, and I know it's about that time, you know the one...The time when you have to decide what day to send your baby over the RAINBOW BRIDGE. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is absolutely killing me! He's not suffering, but the quality of life is just not there. You look in their little eyes and they are trying to tell you it's ok, let me go, we have had a wonderful life together and it is now time to say GOODBYE...We will meet again. My head knows this, I just wish my heart could let go......